Wednesday, 11 March 2015

First Year Of Uni! - UPDATE

Hiya lovelies, 
Okay, so it seems like only yesterday I was writing posts about what to bring to university and what Freshers was all about and now I'm sat here finishing the last of my assignments back in my parents house. Time has gone so fast and it's sad in a way to think that I'm almost a third of the way through my degree and the housemates I've lived with for almost a year will no longer be my housemates. I use the term 'in a way' because in reality, living with 10 complete strangers with 1 kitchen and 2 bathrooms is absolute hell at times. But all in all, I view these people as my family, I'm closer to some than others and way too close in some cases. I've gone through highs and extreme lows with these people and experienced things during my time in the house that I wouldn't want to go through with anyone else. 

One perk of the house was meeting my best friend Paige. When people say living with someone makes or breaks a friendship, we got creepily close as friends. Before we even moved in, we spoke on Facebook and sent snap chats to each other (the no makeup, chins out kind). On the first night we drank fruit cider and gossiped and the second day we bought vodka and peach schnapps and it's safe to say we shared common interests. She is one of them people who you can turn to when you have an issue, don't feel scared to cry in front of and feel sad when they're sad. We've fed ducks together, taken beach trips and cooked terrible meals and in all honesty, I don't think anyone understands our friendship. If you asked me what the best things I'd gained from uni were, one of the things would definitely be having her as a friend.

I think overall, my first year of university has taught me a lot, It's taught me to be way more patient than I would usually, to not spend all my money in one day and then starve for the rest of the week and most of all to listen to the rules people give you regarding closeness with housemates. You learn from your mistakes, right?

Thank you for reading,
Eleanor Rachel 

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