Friday, 8 August 2014

Summer 2014 Trips

Hiya lovelies,
So this week I haven't been on too many adventures but the ones I have been on have been wonderful. On Tuesday, I headed off to Durham with some of my family and we spent the day there. If you've never been it's basically a city with lots of shops but also some really nice views and walks. Since at this exact moment in time, me and my cousin are both pretty skint we went along the river and had a picnic by Durham cathedral.

On Thursday, me and my friend Daniella went on a trip out to have a picnic at the beach. It was so cold that we stayed for around 2 hours and went back to a town with shops :'). We spent a lot of time in different stations.

I hope you enjoyed this post even if it was a short one . I will be back shortly with a much longer one. New posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Thank you for Reading,
Eleanor Rachel 

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